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Double Decker, sits in the middle of the Castle Walkway paved area leading to the Castle Gardens and Norwich Castle Museum.  Looking up, the impressive Castle looms high on the mound above.  The neatly defined features of the Castle walls seem at odds with it dating from only a few years after the Norman invasion of England, being built between 1096 and 1110.  The stonework is actually the result of the last major repairs to preserve the building, in the 1830s, using Bath stone.  Double Decker, facing towards Castle Meadow, sponsored by First Bus Group is the creation of artist and illustrator Helen L Smith.  Decorated in sky blue with white fluffy clouds, the bright coloured pattern on the wings represents the striped canopies of the stalls on Norwich Market.  To see more of Helen’s illustrations and other work, see her name link below.  She also created a giraffe, named Stand Tall, for the Colchester Zoo 50th anniversary and has a popular Facebook featuring up to date news on the GoGoDragons trail.  Helen also created another dragon for the trail (80) GoGo King Tut.

Artist: Helen L Smith

Sponsor: First Bus Group